Monitoring the digital world of work

  • Project number: F 2490
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


The occupational environment is undergoing a digital transformation. This results in different consequences and changing job requirements for various groups of employees. The project´s aim was to provide data on the impact of digital transformation on employees’ working conditions, safety and health. For this purpose various representative employee surveys were analysed (e.g. DiWaBe, BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey, BAuA Working Time Survey, LEEP-B3) and correlations between digitalisation and job demands, resources, and health characteristics were found.

The results indicate that working in digital work environments or with digital tools is associated with increased job demands, such as the work intensity. However, positive aspects are also associated with it, like increased job autonomy. Nevertheless, it is also apparent that these relationships are not uniform. For example, the effects vary depending on the type of digital work equipment or job task. In addition, there are also heterogeneous correlations, e.g. regarding the employees’ qualification, which point to increasing inequalities ("digital divide"). The findings underline the importance of a nuanced perspective on interrelationships and highlight the relevance of designing contextual conditions for the digitisation of the work environment.

The project was part of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s focus programme "Occupational Safety and Health in the Digital World of Work".


BAuA-Working Time Survey 2019: Digital information and communication technologies and their association with work intensity, temporal boundary­lessness and working time flexibility

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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Hybride Zusammenarbeit zwischen Büro­beschäftigten

Publishing year: 2023

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Arbeitsbezogene IKT-Nutzung und Arbeits­intensität: Die Rolle mobiler Geräte

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Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Automatische Datenspeicherung von Arbeitsschritten und das Wohlbefinden von Beschäftigten

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Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Wie nehmen Beschäftigte den technologischen Wandel wahr?

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Stressoren und Ressourcen an Roboter­arbeitsplätzen

Publishing year: 2021

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Veränderte Arbeits­anforderungen in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt

Publishing year: 2021

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Digitaler Taylorismus für einige, digitale Selbst­bestimmung für die anderen? Ungleichheit der Autonomie in unterschiedlichen Tätigkeits­domänen

Publishing year: 2020

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Fokus

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Measuring Digital Work in (German) Employee Surveys: An Overview and Proposal of Systematization

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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The office as social space - Cooperation in hybrid worlds of work

Publishing year: 2023

Suchergebnis_Format Article (in German)

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"Digital Taylorism" for some, "digital self-determination" for others? Inequality in job autonomy across different task domains

Publishing year: 2023

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Digital transformation: The role of computer use in employee health

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Work related ICT--Information and Communications Technologies use and work intensity: The role of mobile devices

Publishing year: 2021

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Risks and opportunities of digitisation in the professional fields of nursing, care and healing

Publishing year: 2020

Suchergebnis_Format Article (in German)

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Examining the Relationship Between Digital Transformation and Work Quality: Substitution Potential and Work Exposure in Gender-Specific Occupations

Publishing year: 2020

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Home-Based Telework and Presenteeism Across Europe

Publishing year: 2020

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Work intensification and autonomy in the digitized working world - A challenge for the well-being of employees?

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article (in German)

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Einführung neuer Technologien am Arbeitsplatz: Gruppenunterschiede und Zusammenhänge mit Arbeitsintensität, Handlungsspielraum sowie Monotonie

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Further Information


Unit 1.1 "Working Time and Flexibilisation"

Phone: +49 231 9071-1971
Fax: +49 231 9071-2070