Validation of control guidance sheets for filling of containers with acids and bases

  • Project number: F 2487
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Ongoing Project
  • Planned end: 2026-01-31


Filling containers with acids and bases is one of the most common activities with hazardous substances in many enterprises. During this activity, both airborne particles (droplets) and vapors of the substances may be released into workplace air. The easy-to-use workplace control scheme for hazardous substances (EMKG), BAuA's tool for chemical control banding, suggests Control Guidance Sheets, which describe the required protective measures. Thus, a good work practice will be ensured.

A specially developed measurement strategy to assess technical protective measures for filling solvents into containers should be transferred to workplaces where acids and bases are filled into containers. Besides measuring workers’ exposure, the technical and organizational protective measures will be assessed. The measuring program includes ten enterprises, each for several days. A broad variety of acids and bases and different kinds and sizes of containers will be included in the investigations. The workplace measurements are realized using validated measuring procedures according to technical rule for hazardous substances (TRGS) 402.

The results of the investigation will be the basis for recommendations for good practice describing efficient protective measures for filling containers with acids and bases. Video clips with superimposed signals of direct reading instruments will show the effectiveness of protective measures.

Further Information


Unit 4.I.6 "Measurement of Hazardous Substances"

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