Exemplary testing of the manual-based implementation of "good work organisation" in a rehabilitation centre

  • Project number: F 2464
  • Institution: Federtal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), novaworx, innsicht - entdecken und entwickeln GbR
  • Status: Ongoing Project
  • Planned end: 2025-03-31


Professional nurses have to cope with high demands in their everyday work. Good work organisation can support them and prevent unfavourable consequences for their health. A guideline published by the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) - the manual "Good Ward Organisation" - shows, which aspects of work organisation are in need of re-design and how this can be done within a participative change process.

In this research project, using the guideline will be tested in a rehabilitation centre. Two different modes of utilisation will be compared: An autonomous application of the guideline, as intended by the authors of the instrument, and a supported use including counselling throughout the chance process. The main question is which mode of application is more suitable for the development and implementation of interventions for managing psychosocial stressors. Another goal is to identify organisational parameters and conditions that promote or hinder the change process.

The results will allow conclusions about the effectiveness of different approaches to initiate and facilitate organisational changes in the work context. Thus, they will not only contribute to research on effective knowledge transfer, but also provide both front-line staff and policymakers with valuable groundwork for designing safe and healthy work in professional nursing.


Decent Ward Organisation - A Guide for Nursing Teams in Hospitals

Publishing year: 2024

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

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Handlungshilfen für Pflegende. Umgang mit Gewalt

Publishing year: 2022

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Further Information


Unit 3.3 "Designing Service Work"

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