Implementation of human-centred cyber-physical systems (MyCPS) - Safe and healthy work and technology design

  • Project number: F 2413
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Ongoing Project
  • Planned end: 2018-12-31


The aim of the research project MyCPS was to develop systematic approaches, models and tools for the implementation ("migration") of human-centered digital production processes to cyber-physical production systems. Therefore, the participative involvement of employees in the design, use and further development of the solutions was essential. Upcoming new requirements concerning personal rights and privacy were discussed with employers, employees and social partners.

The BAuA pursued the goal of refining previous activities to support the design of humane industrial work. Hence, the research objectives with regard to the prototypical CPS solutions realized within the project focused on human factors and ergonomics. In particular, aspects concerning an optimal use of smart devices as job assistance and of occupational safety and health in connection with human-centered CPS were considered.

The results of the research project MyCPS are available in the form of an interactive toolbox for companies ( The toolbox contains strategies and procedures for the analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation of use cases for the successful realization of operational change projects. In the final report all project partners present selected research findings and prototypical digital solutions realized during the project.

The research project MyCPS received funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the program "Industrie 4.0 - Forschung auf den betrieblichen Hallenboden" (reference no. 02P14B121) which was managed by Projektträger Karlsruhe.


Mediamultitasking in der Intralogistik und Produktion 4.0

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Sicher und gesund arbeiten mit digitalen Arbeitsmitteln - Erwartungen und Rahmenbedingungen

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Tablets and smart glasses in modern production environments - a lab study on distracted walking

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Usability-Erwartungen an die Einführung menschzentrierter cyber-physischer System in der Produktion 4.0

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Smartphones und Tablets in der Arbeit - Ein Review zu physischer Beanspruchung durch Smart Devices

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Using Paper, E-ink device or Desktop-PC for office work and subjective strain - a comparative study

Publishing year: 2017

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Further Information


Unit 2.3 "Human Factors, Ergonomics"

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