Working time reporting for Germany

  • Project number: F 2360
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) / infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH
  • Status: Completed Project


The aim of the project “Working time reporting for Germany” was to lay the foundation for systematic, continuous and representative working time reporting for the working population in Germany.

The main concerns are
a) to provide an overview of the working time reality in Germany,
b) to recognise and present developments, processes and trends, and
c) to shed light on the role of working time organization for the health and satisfaction of employees.

The project included the conduction of the first wave of the BAuA-Working Time Survey in 2015 as well as suitable maintenance measures during the subsequent six-year period to ensure the actuality of the participants’ contact data and their motivation for participation. In the 2015 BAuA-Working Time Survey, a representative sample of 20,000 employees in Germany was interviewed about their employment situation, aspects of the length, location and flexibility of their working hours, other working conditions as well as their health and well-being. The survey was conducted as computer-aided telephone interviews.

A continuation of the BAuA-Working Time Survey as a repeated longitudinal survey as well as the use of the data and publication of its results has been ensured by various follow-up projects at BAuA. The data from the first wave of the BauA-Working Time Survey provide information on current issues in science, politics and practice, in particular on the working time of different groups of employees and the role of working time organisation for health. In this way, they offer actors from politics, business and occupational safety a meaningful basis for designing effective, humane working time models.


Methodological Report and Questionnaire for the BAuA Working Time Survey 2015

Publishing year: 2016

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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