Understanding employment participation of older workers: Past, present and future changes - Joint programming initiative "More Years Better Lives" - Fast Track Activity

  • Project number: F 2357
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


The idea of the project was developed in the joint programming initiative More Years better Lives (JPI MYBL) Working Group 3 "Work & Productivity" to address the issue of work participation among older workers in times of extending working lives. The objective of this fast-track activity on "Work & Productivity" is a critical review of the state-of-the-art knowledge and research. This kind of mapping exercise would focus on the main determinants of work participation at an advanced age, as well as the individual, institutional and societal reasons for early retirement in Europe. The review will be undertaken in close conjunction with the strategic research agenda (SRA) of JPI MYBL and add to its existing content, particularly in terms of the issue "Social and economic production" and the priorities outlined in the SRA.


Understanding employment participation of older workers: Creating a knowledge base for future labour market challenges

Publishing year: 2015

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Arbeitsbedingte Determinanten von Frühberentung: Analyse des Forschungsstands

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Arbeitsbedingte Determinanten von Frühberentung: Analyse des Forschungsstands

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Further Information


Division 3 "Work and Health"

Phone: +49 231 9071-1971
Fax: +49 231 9071-2070