Laser resistance of protective filters as a function of beam diameter

  • Project number: F 2335
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) / Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH
  • Status: Completed Project


The product requirements for laser safety filters are specified in the Standard DIN EN 207 "Personal eye protection; filters and eye protectors for laser radiation (laser eye-protectors)". The specifications of DIN EN 207 are aimed at the comparability of products. In order to enable this comparability, a laser beam diameter for examining the resistance to laser radiation is fixed at 1 mm.

However, the laser beam diameter in practice can be larger. The experience of the operational practice shows that at specific workplaces the laser beam diameter may exceed several millimeters.

Initial findings that laser safety filters, when irradiated with a laser beam of a diameter larger than 1 mm, may lose their protective function (brand-through). Thus, even laser safety filters correctly selected according to the currently valid standard DIN EN 207 may fail in some circumstances. The goal of the development project is a quantitative determination of the resistance of safety filters to laser radiation in dependence of the laser beam diameter.

On the basis of the project results, a mathematical model for laser safety filters which describes the dependence of the laser resistance on the laser beam diameter shall be developed.


Safety of laser protection filters as a function of beam diameter

Publishing year: 2016

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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Standfestigkeit von Laserschutzbrillen-Prüfung nach Norm entspricht nicht immer den Einsatzbedingungen in der Praxis

Publishing year: 2015

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Further Information


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