ISOMAG 2.0 - Additions and Modifications

  • Project number: F 2311
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


Within the project ISOMAG 2.0 an interactive software containing examples for the illustration of machine vibrations will be revised und updated. Besides the visual presentation of dynamic response properties of vibrating machines the software allows to select different kinds and sources of vibration generators. Additionally, reduction measures by the choice of various isolators can be approved.

The intention of the software is

  • to make employers and machine manufacturers more sensitive on the topic of vibrations when developing, building and deploying machines
  • to become part of the professional education in institutions of higher education

in order to raise awareness regarding machine vibrations as well as to avoid mistakes in the design of machines and selection of isolators.


ISOMAG 2.0 - Software für optimale Schwingungsisolierung von Maschinen und Geräten

Publishing year: 2013

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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ISOMAG 2.0 - Software for Optimal Vibration Isolation of Machines and Devices

Publishing year: 2013

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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ISOMAG 2.0 - Optimierung der mechanischen Schwingungsisolierung

Publishing year: 2013

Suchergebnis_Format Faltblatt

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Unit 2.2 "Physical Agents"

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