Dazzling by artificial optical radiation under mesopic conditions

  • Project number: F 2310
  • Institution: Fachhochschule Köln / Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


A considerable risk potential due to dazzling by laser and LED radiation can occur in executing safety-related activities such as driving vehicles or aircrafts and operating devices. The continuous spread of advanced performance lasers and LED represents an increasing potential risk in both the occupational and the domestic sector. During a risk assessment concerning OStrV the employer has to take into account not only direct but also indirect effects such as dazzling.

For a proper risk assessment with regard to the dazzling by lasers and LED and the associated impairment of vision and colour distortion, the scientific basis for mesopic conditions is still lacking.


Glare from artificial optical radiation under twilight conditions

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Report (in German)

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