Development of specific Control Guidance Sheets for the use or biocidal products (wood preservatives, rodenticides, insecticides)

  • Project number: F 2308
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


In Control Guidance Sheets, important guidance regarding health and safety for handling hazardous substances is summarized in an easily understandable way. Hazardous substances also include a variety of biocidal products - in this project the focus will be on wood preservatives, rodenticides, insecticides. Based on results of finalized BAuA projects regarding good work practices, Control Guidance Sheets will be developed for the most relevant processes. These can be used for safety risk assessments and for the authorization of biocidal products. A standardized descripiton of safety measures in Control Guidance Sheets can reduce the handling time for competent authorities, enhance the reliability of the authorization process and at the same time substantially simplify communication of risks and measures between producers and clients.


Development of specific control guidance sheets for activities involving biocidal products (wood preservatives, rodenticides, insecticides)

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Report (in German)

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Unit 4.I.4 "Exposure Assessment, Exposure Science"

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