Field survey of an analytical technology for end-exhaled air to conduct human biomonitoring of the internal exposure to hazardous substances using the example of tetrachloroethene

  • Project number: F 2306
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


In this project, an analytical technology for end-exhaled air to conduct routine human biomonitoring (having been developed in the preceding project F 2169) will be evaluated using the example of workers exposed to tetrachlorethene. The methodology consists of sampling alveolar air using tubes without valves and an automated laboratory analysis process by gas chromatography.

Testing of the methodology will be performed with workers in different areas of tetrachlorethene use. As a comparison group, workers with no occupational exposure to tetrachlorethene will be involved.


Tetrachlorethen-Exposition in Chemischreinigungen - Gemeinsames Projekt der Ländermessstellen für chemischen Arbeitsschutz

Publishing year: 2015

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Trace Analysis in End-Exhaled Air Using Direct Solvent Extraction in Gas Sampling Tubes: Tetrachloroethene in Workers as an Example

Publishing year: 2014

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Biomonitoring in Ausatemluft - Untersuchung zur Selbstbeprobung am Beispiel Tetrachlorethen-Exponierter

Publishing year: 2015

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Biomonitoring in Ausatemluft - Untersuchung zur Selbstbeprobung am Beispiel Tetrachlorethen-Exponierter

Publishing year: 2015

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Tetrachlorethen (PER) - Exposition von Beschäftigten bei Tätigkeiten in Chemischreinigungen

Publishing year: 2018

Suchergebnis_Format Cooperation

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Further Information


Unit 4.II.5 "Health Surveillance, Biological Monitoring"

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