Work, Age and Health

  • Project number: F 2295
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


In light of the demographic ageing as well as the changing and accelerating working life, the health status of the working population, particularly of the older one, is a crucial factor for Germany's future economic and social development. Work and health influence each other in both directions - positively as well as negatively. So far, it has been widely neglected that the interrelation between work and health may be different in younger compared to older workers. Closing the respective gap in knowledge and research is the aim of the present project.

A first - quantitative - project component will therefore analyze and explain the influence that work has on health focusing on age differences by using existing secondary (mostly German) data sets (e.g. cross-sectional data). Then, time trends with respect to work exposure and health will be examined by using longitudinal data. Subsequently, a measurement methodology will be developed to disentangle age-, period-and cohort-effects of changes and thus to allow for developing prognostic estimates about the development of work and health in (sub)populations.

The second - qualitative - project component will be addressing the inverse effect, namely the influence health has on work. By interviewing persons who have prematurely terminated their working life as well as persons who are working beyond their personal retirement age, patterns of attitude and behaviour will be identified.

Both components of the project will benefit from a mutual professional exchange and will moreover be closely linked to the German cohort study "leben in der Arbeit" (lidA).


Frühausstieg aus und Weiterverbleib im Erwerbsleben älterer Beschäftigter im Zusammenhang mit Gesundheit

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Suchergebnis_Format baua: Fokus

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Selbstberichteter Gesundheitszustand der erwachsenen, nichterwerbstätigen Bevölkerung

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Employment status, working conditions and depressive symptoms among German employees born in 1959 and 1965

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Arbeit, Alter und Erwerbsteilhabe - ein conceptual framework (CF)

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Die Bedeutung der Gesundheit für einen frühen Erwerbsausstieg oder für Weiterarbeit

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Arbeit, Alter und Gesundheit

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Arbeit, Alter, Gesundheit und Erwerbsteilhabe - ein Modell

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Perspectives of work, age, health, and labor market participation in Germany

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Vergleich der Verteilung von selbst berichteter "allgemeiner Gesundheit", "Funktionsfähigkeit" und "chronischer Erkrankungen" in der Erwerbsbevölkerung in Deutschland

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Verteilung "chronischer Erkrankung" in der Erwerbsbevölkerung in Deutschland

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Further Information


Unit 3.2 "Mental Workload and Mental Health"

Phone: +49 231 9071-1971
Fax: +49 231 9071-2070