Head-Mounted Displays - Conditions for safe and healthy use

  • Project number: F 2288
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) / Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (FhG)
  • Status: Completed Project


Many tasks are so complex that they cannot be overcome without assistance. Such complex tasks consist approximately of extensive patterns or require diverse knowledge. New technologies such as head mounted displays (HMDs) offer innovative ways of support. HMDs are display devices that are attached to the head of the user and the main advantage lies in the usability of both hands free during the retrieval of information. The research project follows a holistic research approach and focuses on one side on the fit between technology and task and on the other hand on the effects of several hours of utilizing HMDs on users.

Previous results from the project show that the assessment of using head-mounted displays as job assistance should always be holistic: criteria of the task, individual characteristics of the people, characteristics of the environment and characteristics of HMDs must be considered. If it was determined in a taskanalysis, that the use of HMDs would be useful, an appropriate HMD must be selected in the next step. However, individual characteristics of people affect the suitability of HMDs for task support and the selection of a suitable HMDs. The use of HMDs thus has an impact on the entire system.

In a series of laboratory studies it was shown that impairment of the visual system was not detected even after several hours of working with HMDs. The high weight of some types of HMDs can be perceived as unpleasant and in conjunction with the head holder to restricted head movements and increased activity of the neck muscles. The measured increase in mental stress when wearing HMDs can be counteracted with regular breaks. Furthermore, we recommend a familiarization phase during the learning process with the new technology. The work rate in the tested graphical assembley tasks was lower with HMD compared to a wall monitor or tablet PC. This might be based on still missing habituation to this new technology but it can be also based on fundamental problems of information representation and - processing on a small, very close to the eye display.

Within the project several workshops on the topic "Data glasses - current status of research and implementation, as well as future development directions" were carried out. The documentation of these workshops will take place on own pages.

4th expert workshop on 29 September 2014:
Workshop Program (PDF, 686 KB) (in German)

3rd expert workshop on 3 June 2013:
Datenbrillen - Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftiger Entwicklungsrichtungen (in German)

2nd expert workshop on 20 June 2011:
Report "Datenbrillen - Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftiger Entwicklungsrichtungen" (in German)

1st expert workshop 8 December 2009


Head-Mounted Displays - Bedingungen des sicheren und beanspruchungsoptimalen Einsatzes

Publishing year: 2017

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report brief

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Head-mounted displays - How to increase safety and reduce physical strain: Physical strain while using HMDs

Publishing year: 2016

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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Head-mounted displays - How to increase safety and reduce physical strain: Psychological strain while using HMDs

Publishing year: 2016

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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Distributed Team Tasks and New Technologies - An Examination of Fit, Acceptance and Macrocognitive Processes

Publishing year: 2018

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Dissertation (in German)

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Head-mounted displays and physically separated team tasks

Publishing year: 2020

Suchergebnis_Format Article (in German)

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Arbeitswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen beim Einsatz von Datenbrillen

Publishing year: 2019

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Head-Mounted Displays in der Logistik

Publishing year: 2018

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Assistent Datenbrille

Publishing year: 2016

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Beanspruchungsoptimaler Einsatz von Head-Mounted Displays als Arbeitsassistenz

Publishing year: 2015

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Effects of data glasses on human workload and performance during assembly and disassembly tasks

Publishing year: 2015

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Head Mounted Displays als Arbeitshilfen der Zukunft - Gestaltung eines beanspruchungsoptimalen Einsatzes

Publishing year: 2015

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Influence of head mounted display hardware on performance and strain

Publishing year: 2015

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Analyzing Characteristics Related to Acceptance for Head-Mounted Displays Using the Repertory Grid Technique

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Article (in German)

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Head Mounted Displays als Arbeitshilfen: Erwartungen der möglichen Nutzer

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Head Mounted Displays zur Unterstützung der örtlich getrennten Störungsdiagnose - passt die Technologie zur Aufgabe?

Publishing year: 2014

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Analyse der Kopfhaltung beim Einsatz von Head-Mounted Displays mittels des Ovako Working Posture Analysing Systems (OWAS)

Publishing year: 2014

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Physiologische Auswirkungen der Langzeitnutzung von Head-Mounted Displays im industriellen Kontext

Publishing year: 2014

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Younger beginners, older retirees: Head-mounted displays and demographic change

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Comparing Google Glass with Tablet-PC as Guidance System for Assembling Tasks

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Prolonged work with head mounted displays

Publishing year: 2014

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Unterstützung makrokognitiver Prozesse in Instandhaltungsteam mit Head-Mounted Displays

Publishing year: 2013

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Considering Ergonomic Aspects of Head-Mounted Displays for Applications in Industrial Manufacturing

Publishing year: 2013

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Head-Mounted Displays - Bedingungen des sicheren und beanspruchungsoptimalen Einsatzes

Publishing year: 2013

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Analyse ergonomischer Aspekte beim Einsatz von Head-Mounted Displays in der arbeitswissenschaftlichen Praxis

Publishing year: 2013

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Preliminary study on evaluation of safe and strain-optimal use of head-mounted displays

Publishing year: 2013

Suchergebnis_Format Article (in German)

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Strain caused by Head Mounted Displays

Publishing year: 2014

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Beanspruchung bei Head-Mounted Displays im Langzeiteinsatz

Publishing year: 2014

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Head-Mounted Displays - Beanspruchung im Langzeiteinsatz

Publishing year: 2013

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Unterstützung makrokognitiver Prozesse in Teams durch neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien: Auswirkungen auf Teamleistung und Teamfehler

Publishing year: 2012

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Unterstützung makrokognitiver Prozesse in Instandhaltungsteams mit Head-Mounted-Displays: Eine Fallstudie

Publishing year: 2012

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Datenbrillen - Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftiger Entwicklungsrichtungen

Publishing year: 2012

Suchergebnis_Format Tagungsdokumentation

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Unterstützung makrokognitiver Prozess in Teams durch Head-Mounted Displays: Methoden der Eignungsermittlung und Gestaltung

Publishing year: 2011

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Unterstützung makrokognitiver Prozesse in Teams durch Head Mounted Displays: Methoden der Eignungsermittlung und Gestaltung

Publishing year: 2011

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Methodische Vorgehensweise zur Beanspruchungsermittlung bei Head-Mounted Displays

Publishing year: 2011

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Datenbrillen - Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftige Entwicklungsrichtungen

Publishing year: 2010

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Further Information


Unit 2.3 "Human Factors, Ergonomics"

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