NanoGEM, Nanostructured Materials - Health, Exposition, and Characteristics of the Material

  • Project number: F 2269
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


Because of the novelty of the technology and missing measurement systems, exposure to nanomaterial at the workplace and in the environment is unknown to a large extent. In this project, BAuA in co-operation with an inter-disciplinary consortium develops measurement strategies to determine the inhalation exposure to selected nanomaterials, defines deagglomeration characteristics, and evaluates the measurement strategy in field surveys. In a second focal point, a preliminary risk assessment for these nanomaterials will be performed with regard to workers health.


Bei der Charakterisierung und Messung von ultrafeinen Partikeln (Nanomaterialien) sind noch Fragen zur geeigneten Messtechnik und Analytik zu klären

Publishing year: 2015

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Messung der inhalativen Exposition gegenüber Nanomaterialien - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Publishing year: 2013

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Further Information


Unit 4.I.5 "Materials and Particulate Hazardous Substances"

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