Development and testing of an evaluation tool for ward management for work organization of hospital wards

  • Project number: F 2253
  • Institution: Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
  • Status: Completed Project


In the project a procedure for hospital wards in the hospital is to be developed. With the procedure the station lines are the station organization to evaluate and to arrange to be able. In the evaluation and organization the care forces and the station physicians are to be included. Apart from a process evaluation, which plans a permanent company and consultation of the hospital wards, a cost benefit analysis is to be accomplished in the connection. In addition the evaluation and organization procedure are to be taken up in a care school pilot-like to the training to the station wards.


Work Organization of Hospital Wards

Publishing year: 2016

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Report (in German)

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Decent Ward Organisation - A Guide for Nursing Teams in Hospitals

Publishing year: 2024

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance (in German)

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Participatory redesign of work organisation in hospital nursing: A study of the implementation process

Publishing year: 2018

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Berufsspezifische Anforderungen, persönliche Ressourcen und mentale Gesundheit in der Pflege im Krankenhaus

Publishing year: 2015

Suchergebnis_Format Article

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Unit 3.3 "Designing Service Work"

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