Ergonomic Design of Workstations with Visual Display Units in Control Rooms

  • Project number: F 2249
  • Institution: Gesellschaft für Arbeits-, Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie Forschung e.V. (GAWO)
  • Status: Completed Project


In the background of the examination of several aspects of working on display screen equipment in the Non-Office-Area a research series for Workstations with Visual Display Units in the industrial production and medicine devices was realized. As the third biggest field of application excepting computer-aided offices (BiBB/BAuA 2006: about 0.3 Mio workstations with visual display units) the examination of control rooms run on smoothly from the research series. In contrast to general workstations with visual display units in the office area this places in the Non-Office-Area are not recognized as such workstations and are not designed according to the requirements of the ordinance of Workstations with Visual Display Units (Bildschirmarbeitsverordnung). Differently to the production of equipments, in control rooms no control of single machines but a control of complex processes, installations and other systems takes place. In order to avoid critical incidents on the work places in these rooms an optimal detection and handling of information are very important. Just the great variety of different control rooms illustrates the complexity of the possible hazards and strains according to the control work. In rooms of traffic control (dispatcher of traffic control) for example other tasks are done than in control rooms of power plants or security services.


Bildschirmarbeit in Leitwarten ergonomisch gestalten

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Brochure

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Bildschirmarbeit in Leitwarten

Publishing year: 2012

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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Unit 2.3 "Human Factors, Ergonomics"

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