Comparative analysis of national strategies for occupational safety and health

  • Project number: F 2234
  • Institution: Kooperationsstelle Hamburg
  • Status: Completed Project


Since 2002 the EU-member states are obliged to develop targeted, coherent and coordinated strategies in the area of occupational safety and health. Whereas some countries (like, for instance, Denmark) have already longtime experience in this respect, Germany has started to establish a national OSH-strategy only recently. Hence, it seems reasonable to examine how Germany could benefit from other countries' well-tried approaches.

The aim of the project is to identify transferable strategic approaches within the international context and to make these accessible for the process of strategy building in Germany. For this purpose, national OSH-strategies of selected countries will be analysed and compared. Special attention will be directed to the varying strategy profiles as regards content, i.e. to the question, which kind of problems (work related health risks, in particular), activities and targets take centre stage in each case. Moreover, the project will look at the criteria, the procedures and the data sources that are relevant for selecting, operationalising and prioritising strategic targets. It will also address the issue of evaluation methods and their capability to demonstrate strategy success convincingly. Another important aspect is the organisational framework of the strategy (institutions involved, distribution of responsibilities and tasks, assurance of commitment and compliance, coordination with other policies).

It is expected (a) to get a picture of the essential differences and similarities between the national OSH-strategies included, (b) to show, under which conditions and in which way strategic approaches on the national level contribute to an improved performance of the OSH-system, (c) to identify major problems and restrictions occuring when national OSH-strategies are formulated, implemented, evaluated and readjusted, (d) to find strategy approaches and experiences in the international context that could be applied in a similar way to the German situation, providing a useful orientation for future strategy development in our country.


Comparative analysis of national strategies for safety and health at work

Publishing year: 2010

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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Vergleichende Analyse nationaler Strategien für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit

Publishing year: 2010

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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Unit 2.4 "Workplaces, Safety of Machinery, Operational Safety"

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