Optimation of the personal thermal precipitators for the measurement from nanoparticles at the workplace

  • Project number: F 2217
  • Institution: Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. (IUTA)
  • Status: Completed Project


Aim of the projects F 5201 and F 2055 was the development and validation of a portable measurement device to acquire information about the exposure to nanoparticles. In the thermal precipitator the particles are deposited on silicon plates with subsequent electron-microscopic analysis in combination with image evaluation software. The thermal precipitator was validated with mono- and polydispers aerosols by order of the BAuA in comparison with other measurement devices. Principally the method functions successfully, but to use this method within epidemiological projects, the measurement device as well as the software needs to be modified. The thermal precipitator was developed for high concentrations like welding fumes as well as for the measurement of several hours (8h shift). At workplaces in nanotechnology only very low numbers of particles were expected, thus airflow needs to be adapted and the configuration of the heating coils has to be optimized.

The software for the analysis of pictures needs to be efficient to get good results fast.


Optimisation of a thermophoretic personal sampler for nanoparticle exposure studies

Publishing year: 2009

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Unit 4.I.5 "Materials and Particulate Hazardous Substances"

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