Validation of a fluorescence-microscopy-method for analyses of bioaerosol samples from different workplaces

  • Project number: F 2186
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


The cultivation based method to quantify the total microbial load of air at workplaces is very time consuming, intensive in manpower and material. Simultaneously the force of results often is limited. At this project, a known fluorescence microscopy-method for total cell count should be validated to analyses aerosols at working places to overcome the problems of cultivation dependent methods.


Laborinterne Verfahrenskenngrößen der DAPI (4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindol)-Gesamtzellzahlbestimmung in Bioaerosolproben von Arbeitsplätzen - Teil I: Zählung und Aufarbeitung nach Fixierung

Publishing year: 2010

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Laborinterne Verfahrenskenngrößen der DAPI (4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindol)-Gesamtzellzahlbestimmung in Bioaerosolproben von Arbeitsplätzen - Teil II: Aufarbeitungsvorschrift: Lager-, Fixier-, Färbezeiten

Publishing year: 2010

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Further Information


Unit 4.II.2 "Bioaerosols"

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