Safety installations for hand-guided laser machining

  • Project number: F 2158
  • Institution: LASER Zentrum Hannover e. V.
  • Status: Completed Project


With respect to the rapidly growing application of hand-guided lasers for machining there is a considerable demand for R&D concerning the qualification of safety installations providing the poerator's safety.

Goal of the project is the investigation of several sensor techniques, e. g. distance, attachment, position, acceleration etc. to minimise the operator's endangering by laser radiation.


Konstruktive Sicherheitseinrichtungen für handgeführte Laser zur Materialbearbeitung

Publishing year: 2011

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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Built-in safety - Safe design of hand-held and hand-operated laser tools

Publishing year: 2023

Suchergebnis_Format baua: Guidance brief

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Eingebaute Sicherheit - Sichere Konstruktion handgeführter Laserwerkzeuge

Publishing year: 2011

Suchergebnis_Format Faltblatt

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Further Information


Unit 2.2 "Physical Agents"

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