Compensation of age-related changes in cognitive ability - "physiological costs"

  • Project number: F 2152
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


In the modern world of work, cognitive ability is required incrisingly. Particularly in elderly employees this can result in cognitive overload when work demands exceed cognitive abilities. The plasticity of the human brain enables individuals approaching the end of their working lives to compensate cognitive deficits and losses. This makes up for performance deficits and allows the maintenance of a stable functional state. Almost open is the question of "physiological costs" accompanying processes of compensation. Analysis of parameters of the bioelectrical brain activity (e.g. investigation of modified strategies of information processing, of psycho-mental strain) and vegetative parameters (e.g. blood pressure, heart rate variability, baroreceptor sensitivity) can give information about this.

Within this project, modified strategies of information processing, psycho-mental strain and accompanying processes of central nervous and vegetative activation are investigated in younger (20-35 years) and elderly (50-65 years) employees. Results may contribute to prevention of age-related changes in cognitive ability.


Altersbezogene Änderungen kognitiver Fähigkeiten - kompensatorische Prozesse und physiologische Kosten

Publishing year: 2012

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Effects of Working Memory Load on Performance and Cardiovascular Activity in Younger and Older Workers

Publishing year: 2011

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Kompensation altersbezogener Änderungen kognitiver Fähigkeiten - psychophysiologische Untersuchungsansätze

Publishing year: 2006

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Effects of aging and job demands on cognitive flexibility assessed by task switching

Publishing year: 2010

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Stress and Managers Performance: Age-Related Changes in Psychophysiological Reactions to Cognitive Load

Publishing year: 2007

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Neuronal Mechanisms of Working Memory Performance in Younger and Older Employees

Publishing year: 2014

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Further Information


Unit 3.2 "Mental Workload and Mental Health"

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