Development of tools to integrate the co-ordination in accordance with the Construction Site Order into the construction related value-added chain

  • Project number: F 2142
  • Institution: Technische Universität Dresden, RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., Eschborn, Systemkonzept, Köln - ARGE
  • Status: Completed Project


Improvement of safety and health with construction work by developing tools for the enhanced integration of capacities based on the Construction Site Order into the construction related value-added chain in accordance with the proceedings of the evaluation of the Order; Integration of associations of co-ordinators into the development, testing and first use of these tools.


Entwicklung von Instrumenten zur Integration der Koordination nach Baustellenverordnung in die Wertschöpfungskette Bauen

Publishing year: 2011

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Unit 2.6 "Workplaces, Safety of Machinery, Operational Safety"

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