The impact of working in the evening and the early night-hours on young persons

  • Project number: F 1964
  • Institution: AWiS-consult, Arbeitszeit- und Organisationsberatung, Personalentwicklung
  • Status: Completed Project


The revision of the young persons protection of employment law takes into question to extend the working time of young persons up to 11 pm. Up to now there is no evidence that this extension of the working time is without health or social risk for the young persons.

Aim of the project is to give a systematic review on international research results and to bring up empirical results exemplary from the hotel and restaurant services.


Auswirkungen der Arbeit von Jugendlichen am Abend und in den Nachtstunden

Publishing year: 2011

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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Auswirkungen der Arbeit von Jugendlichen am frühen Morgen

Publishing year: 2011

Suchergebnis_Format Report

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Divison 1 "Changing World of Work"

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