With the current research programme 2014 - 2017, the focus of the previous R & D programme 2010 - 2013 will continue, but will be partly redesigned and supplemented by new topics. There is a content-wise continuity, in particular, of long-term research on the health risks of new technologies, the psychological stress in the working world and their impact on mental health and performance, and the prevention of work-related diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system. In the areas of the development of concepts and instruments for risk assessment, safe products and work systems as well as for chemical safety, adjustments and clarifications were made on the basis of the results of the previous programme.
The R & D activities of the current programme relate to the following strategic fields of activity:
- Ensure safe use of chemicals and products
- Adapting working conditions to the needs of humans
- Avoidance of work-related diseases - promotion of health and work ability
- Understanding the impact of a changing working world and developing further occupational safety and health instruments
- Mental health in the working world - determination of the state of the art