Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Scientific Use Files

FDZ-BAuA provides researchers at universities and other research institutions with free-of-charge access to de-facto anonymised microdata in the form of scientific use files for scientific research purposes. For reasons of data protection and to safeguard scientific purpose limitation, the use of the scientific use files requires a so-called data use agreement.

Read on for information on the basic requirements and the procedure leading up to accessing scientific use files:

How to gain access to scientific use files?

The prerequisite for accessing scientific use files is to send an application for data use to BAuA. To do so, please fill out the application form below. Please send the filled-out and signed application for data use by mail to the following address:

Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA)
Stabsstelle Strategisches Forschungs- und Entwicklungsmanagement - FDZ-BAuA -
Nöldnerstr. 40-42
D-10317 Berlin

Based on the submitted documents, BAuA makes a decision regarding data transfer. When doing so, it does not assess the content of the incoming research objectives. Rather, the procedure seeks to safeguard the level of data protection that we have assured our respondents of and to make sure the data are only used for purposes of scientific research.

An approval of your application will result in the drawing up of a data use agreement that is to be signed by both parties. The data are then transmitted via a data exchange server.

Application for a data use agreement (PDF, 234 KB)

Who can apply for the use of scientific use files?

Researchers with a university degree (master’s degree, diploma or an equivalent) who are affiliated with a university or a research institution are eligible. It is assumed that the data will be used exclusively for scientific purposes.

When submitting an application, it is possible to name additional users with the same affiliation such as project staff or student assistants. By doing so, students or PhD students without an institutional affiliation can also use BAuA’s scientific use files for their final theses (bachelor’s, master’s, diploma, PhD theses). In this case, the contractual partners guarantee that the database is only used on computers that are under their supervision.

Individuals (without affiliation) cannot be granted access to the scientific use files.

What must applicants consider whose research institution is not publicly funded?

In this case, we ask you to provide evidence that your institution conducts independent scientific research. Evidence can include, for example, the bylaws of your institution.

What happens when you leave your current employer?

When data users leave the institution they specified in the application, they are obliged as part of the data use agreement to delete and destroy the data of the scientific use file in such a way so that no one else can work with the data. When leaving the institution, BAuA must be notified in writing and without undue delay.

Of course, you can apply for a new data use agreement after leaving your current employer. However, note that individuals (without affiliation) cannot be granted access to the scientific use files.

Public Use Files

FDZ-BAuA offers absolutely anonymised microdata as public use files. Public use files can be used by both researchers and an interested public. They are available for download for free and without signing a data use agreement. The only requirement for accessing the data is to agree to the public use file's terms of use.



The FDZ-BAuA staff is happy to advise you on how to use the available research data. We offer the following ways to contact us: