The creation of objects-related value in the face of digital change
Whether it is the assembly of a machine, the delivery of a package, or surveillance at a construction site: work on and using objects is the focus here. How are these tasks being changed by digitalisation?
Object-related tasks are essentially characterised by the fact that objects are either the result, the item of processing or the item of action. The result of object-related tasks is usually tangible. The tasks encountered here include the manufacturing and processing of objects as well as the delivery, securing or cleaning of objects.
This field of activity includes unskilled, semi-skilled support tasks, as well as tasks at the skilled- or university degree level. The results of object-related tasks range from creative, individual solutions through to highly standardised results.
Many projects are currently investigating the possibilities of digital technologies for supporting employed persons in object-related tasks.
The research in this area consists of the following steps:
Step 1
Analysing the current state of knowledge through literature reviews and summary in the form of a systematic review
Step 2
- Identification of relevant groups of employees for further consideration
- Grouping criteria: the type and extent of the digitalisation, working conditions, specific characteristics of the employees (for instance, openness to digital technologies, existing competencies)
- Per group: evaluation of whether digital technologies can improve the working conditions in this field
Step 3
Development of forward-looking, task-specific guiding principles for object-related tasks based on the overriding criteria of human-centred work in the digital world of work
Step 4
Finally, further requirements surrounding the need for action and design will be derived from the overview of the groups investigated, taking the work in the programme components "Monitoring the digital world of work" and "OSH systems in the digital world of work" into account.