Good Practice Awards

Under the ongoing "Safe and healthy work in the digital age" campaign, the search is on for outstanding examples of proactive risk prevention in organisations and companies affected by digitalisation. In Germany, entries for the awards can be submitted until 30 September 2024.

In cooperation with the Member States and the Council presidencies of the European Union, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) organises the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards as part of each Healthy Workplaces Campaign.

The awards are an important part of every campaign and helps to draw attention to the topic of safety and health at work. The competition serves as a platform for the exchange of information and the promotion of good practice examples throughout Europe.

Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards 2023-2025

The specific aim of the 2023-2025 Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards is to highlight outstanding examples of organisations that actively prevent OSH risks related to the introduction of digital systems in the workplace. EU-OSHA is looking for examples that demonstrate a holistic approach to OSH management, with both employers and employees committed to working together. The jury will also be seeking interventions that are both sustainable and transferable.

The winners will be announced in April 2025. An awards ceremony will be organised to celebrate the achievements of all participating organisations in November 2025.

If you would like to participate in the award, please send the completed application form (in German) to the Focal Point (see below for contact). For more information on the conditions of participation, please see the flyer (in German) for the GPA.

Application form (in German) (DOCX, 2 MB)

Flyer (in German) (PDF, 2 MB)

The deadline for submissions has been extended! Entries can be submitted until 30 September 2024.

Matthias Holtmann and Nathalie Henke
+49 231 9071-2016

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25
D-44149 Dortmund

Further information as well as examples of the entries awarded in previous years can be found here:

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How to participate?

Good practice entries can be submitted to the competition by all organisations active in EU Member States, candidate countries and potential candidate countries, as well as members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), including:

  • individual enterprises or organisations of all sizes;
  • training providers and members of the education community;
  • employers' organisations, trade associations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations;
  • regional or local OSH prevention services, insurance services and other intermediary organisations;
  • official campaign partners.

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Organisation and Procedure

The Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Award occurs in two steps: Initially a jury nominated by the national focal points evaluates the entries. The jury appoints the two best national contributions that will be sent to EU-OSHA. Ideally, an organisation with less than 100 employees and one by a larger organisation make one of those entries. The entries that were received by the national FOP will then be transmitted to the Agency in Bilbao. Secondly, a European jury assesses the contributions and selects a winner on European level. At the award ceremony, the winners are honoured and appreciated. Details of all awarded and commended examples will appear in a publication that will be widely distributed across Europe and promoted on the EU-OSHA website.

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Submission of good practice examples

All concrete examples of effective implementations in the field of occupational safety and health in the context of the current campaign topic are entitled to contribute to the competition. It should be clearly described in the contributions, how well the measures were implemented and what could be achieved within the course of the implementation.

The tripartite jury will be looking for evidence of:

  • a holistic approach to safety and health at work;
  • real and demonstrable improvements in safety and health in relation to dangerous substances;
  • the prioritisation of collective measures over interventions focusing on the individual;
  • effective participation and the involvement of workers and their representatives;
  • the sustainability of the intervention over time;
  • the transferability to other workplaces (in other member states, in different sectors and of different sizes);
  • timeliness (the intervention should be either recent or not widely publicised).

In addition, the intervention should meet, and ideally exceed, the relevant current legislative requirements of the Member State in which it has been implemented.

Products, tools and services developed for commercial purposes will not be considered in the competition.

Examples of Good Practice contributions that have been awarded in previous years can be found on the EU-OSHA website. A pdf file of the GPA-booklet 2020-22 can be found below.

Further Information