European Campaign

The current European Healthy Workplaces Campaign, "Safe and healthy work in the digital age", is focussed on the impacts of the digital transformation in the world of work. The aim is to help publicise and spread good practice solutions.

The current European Healthy Workplaces Campaign, "Safe and healthy work in the digital age", is focussed on the impacts of the digital transformation in the world of work. The aim is to help publicise and spread good practice solutions.

Organisations and companies in Germany have until 30 September 2024 to enter the Good Practice Awards that are being run as part of the campaign and so seek recognition for successful prevention measures they have taken when introducing digital systems in their workplaces.

The Healthy Workplaces Campaigns are EU-OSHA's flagship awareness-raising activity. They are its main way of getting core messages to workplaces across Europe. These thematic campaigns run over a period of two years with most of the main activities taking place in October during the European Week for Safety and Health at Work. The Healthy Workplaces Campaigns are the biggest initiatives of their kind.

Their aims are to raise awareness and address topics around safety and health at work, as well as offering help for the operational implementation of interventions. This is done by producing and disseminating information materials, supporting events that are held, and assisting the organisation and running of press work and press campaigns.

The Good Practice Awards (GPAs) are one of the highlights of each campaign. The awards recognise outstanding and innovative approaches taken by organisations and companies to the issues dealt with by the current campaign topic.

The 2023-25 Healthy Workplaces Campaign

In the 43rd calendar week of 2023, the new Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2023-2025 "Safe and healthy work in the digital age" was launched. The campaign raises awareness about the impact of new digital technologies on work and workplaces and the associated occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges and opportunities. It also provides a platform for the exchange of good practice solutions.

In line with the 'vision zero' approach to work-related deaths of the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027 as well as the objectives of the European Digital Strategy the campaign seeks to place OSH within the wider EU policy debate and also considers the gender dimension and the needs of specific groups of workers at increased risk.

Five priority areas give structure to the campaign:

  • digital platform work
  • automation of tasks
  • remote and hybrid work
  • worker management through artificial intelligence
  • smart digital systems

The campaign is mainly based on the findings and resources of the OSH Overview on Digitalisation 2020-2023, but also includes EU-OSHA research in other areas, such as the Foresight studies and the OSH Overview on Supporting Compliance.

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Campaign participation

We encourage all interested organisations and individuals to join us in the campaign, but it aims in particular to work with the following groups to spread the word:

  • social partners (European and national);
  • policy-makers (European and national);
  • large enterprises, sectoral federations and associations of SMEs;
  • European institutions and their networks (Enterprise Europe Network);
  • European non-governmental organisations;
  • OSH professionals and their associations;
  • the OSH research community;
  • labour inspectorates and their associations;

There are many ways to get involved in this campaign for institutions and organisations. For example, you could:

  • disseminate, publicise and make use of campaign materials and the useful tools on topic (e.g. campaign guide and leaflet, PowerPoint presentations, posters, infographics and logos);
  • organise events and activities (e.g. training courses and workshops, conferences and competitions);
  • participate in the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards;
  • take part in the European Weeks for Safety and Health at Work;
  • become an official campaign partner.

If you link your activities to the topic to the healthy workplaces campaign and want to use the logo and campaign material, EU-OSHA provides you with information and products on request.

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Further information

On the campaign website you can find more information, on the 2023-25 Healthy Workplaces Campaign, for example:

  • the campaign guide;
  • the campaign toolkit and other information material;
  • Napo videos and training resources.

Information on the priority areas on the website will be released as the campaign progresses.

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Important dates

Good Practice Awards – deadline for submission of German entries: 30 September 2024.

Presentation of the Healthy Workplaces Film Award at the doclisboa international film festival, 17-27 October 2024, Lisbon.

Good Practice Awards ceremony during the Healthy Workplaces Summit in Bilbao: November 2025.

Further dates will be added as soon as they are available.

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