Committee for Workplaces (ASTA)

Section 7 of the Workplaces Ordinance ("Arbeitsstättenverordnung", ArbStättV) defines the composition of the ASTA and the responsibilities it assumes.

The activities of ASTA are carried out by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

The tasks of ASTA include

  • determining the appropriate rules and other scientific knowledge for the safety and health of workers in workplaces, in accordance with the state of the art, occupational medicine and hygiene,
  • determining rules and findings on how to meet the requirements of this regulation and making recommendations for further measures to ensure safety and protect the health of workers and
  • advising the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on all matters relating to the safety and health of workers in workplaces.

For further information please refer to our German Website.


ASTA Administration

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
Postbox 10 02 43
D-01072 Dresden, Germany

Phone: +49 351 5639-5412, -5411
Fax: +49 351 5639-5252

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