Committee on Work Equipment (ABS)

The advisory body of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) on the operational safety ordinance, the ordinance on occupational health and safety concerning noise and vibration protection, the occupational safety and health ordinance on artificial optical radiation, and the occupational safety and health ordinance on electromagnetic fields.

The Committee on Work Equipment has been set up at the BMAS for advice on safety and health protection in the use of work equipment, noise and vibration-related hazards, artificial optical radiation and electromagnetic fields. This committee is made up of professional representatives from the public and private sectors, private employers, state authorities, trade unions, statutory accident insurers, authorized supervisory bodies and the scientific community.

Pursuant to section 21 of the Operational Safety Ordinance, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health conducts the affairs of the Committee.

For further information please refer to our German Website.


ABS Administration

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
Postbox 10 02 43
D-01072 Dresden, Germany

Phone: +49 351 5639-5427/ -5431
Fax: +49 351 5639-5252

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