The Chemicals Act designates Division 5 of the BAuA as the Federal Chemicals Agency (BfC) and is thus the competent body for various procedures under chemicals law.
These procedures give rise to legal questions on which Unit 5.7 advises the BfC. This includes the following tasks:
- Supporting Division 5 (BfC) in the implementation of European and national chemicals and biocides law as well as other procedures relating to the regulation of chemicals in Germany. In addition to developing positions on legal issues, e.g. in the various authorisation and restriction procedures, this also includes drafting legal opinions and conducting legal proceedings before courts as well as appeal procedures.
- Unit 5.7 also maintains the national notification and reporting procedure according to the Biocide Law Implementation Ordinance. In addition to providing assistance to companies and authorities, this also includes the preparation of data for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).
- Responding to legal enquiries from consumers, businesses and authorities, in particular through the REACH-CLP Biocides Helpdesk.
- Provision of the German member in the Forum of the European Chemicals Agency ECHA - which currently also holds the chair - and the Forum's biocide subgroup BPRS for the exchange of information on enforcement. Staff members of the Division also regularly participate as national experts in Forum working groups, where they cover national interests in chemicals and biocides enforcement. At the same time, the Forum representatives support the national enforcement authorities by regularly exchanging information on the enforcement of chemical legislation under the REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and Biocides Regulations.
- Participation in other national and EU-wide networks for the enforcement of chemical legislation, such as the European Product Compliance Network (EUPCN) and the German Market Surveillance Forum (DMÜF).
- Participation in national working groups such as the Working Committee of the Government and the Federal States on Chemical Safety (BLAC) and its subgroups.
- Carrying out the tasks as National Competent Authority (DNA) in the implementation of the PIC procedure under the Rotterdam Convention, which concerns the export of hazardous chemicals.
- Supporting the BMUV in the implementation of further European regulations in the field of chemicals law. This includes, for example, the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (POP Regulation) and the regulations on CFCs and greenhouse gases.
- In addition, the Unit also provides the registry for all BfC proceedings and is responsible for the collection of costs.