Central Division

The Central Division includes human resources management, budgeting and procurement, as well as other centralised tasks such as information technology and building management.

Central DivisionLRD Alexander Hohmann
Section Human Ressources and OrganisationRD'in Rabea Volmer
Unit Z 1 Human Ressources ManagmentRD'in Rabea Volmer
Unit Z 2 Organisation, Internal CommunicationORR Peter Kuhlmann
Unit Z 3 Human Ressources DevelopmentN. N.
Section Budgeting and Internal ServicesLRD Michael Schwering
Unit Z 4 Budgeting and ProcurementLRD Michael Schwering
Unit Z 5 Internal Services and Engineering, Sustainability
and Environmental Advice
ROAR Andreas Hanfland
Unit Z 6 Information TechnologyTROAR Patrick Schelter
Unit Z 7 Scientific InformationRD Thomas Pisula


Organisation Chart of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

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