Examination of the frequency weighting curve Wd of ISO 2631-1 by cross-modality matching - effects of sinusoidal and random whole-body vibration in X- and Y-axis on the perceived intensity, comfort and spinal strain

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  Examination of the frequency weighting curve Wd of ISO 2631-1 by cross-modality matching - effects of sinusoidal and random whole-body vibration in X- and Y-axis on the perceived intensity, comfort and spinal strain

Verfasst von:  A. Kreisel, M. Schust, R. Blüthner, H. Seidel

in: Proceedings of the 42nd United Kingdom Conference on Human Responses to Vibration, held at ISVR, University of Southampton, England, 10-12 September 2007, 2007.  Seiten: 21-30, Projektnummer: F 2077

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ProjektnummerF 2077 StatusAbgeschlossenes Projekt Experimentelle Grundlagen der Beurteilung der Wirkung von Ganzkörper-Schwingungen in x- und y-Richtung auf Gesundheit und Befinden

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