The relationship between physical and psychosocial workplace exposures and life expectancy free of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disease in working life - an analysis based on German health insurance data

Dieser Artikel ist im Journal "BMC Public Health" (2024) erschienen.

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  The relationship between physical and psychosocial workplace exposures and life expectancy free of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disease in working life - an analysis based on German health insurance data

Verfasst von:  L. Mond, J. Hegewald, F. Liebers, J. Epping, J. Beller, S. Sperlich, J. T. Stahmeyer, J. Tetzlaff

in: BMC Public Health, Volume 24, 2024.  Seiten: 1-10, PDF-Datei, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-19721-1

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