Reduction of time and performance pressure - preperation and usability evaluation of an action guide for companies

Der Tagungsbeitrag "Reduction of time and performance pressure - preperation and usability evaluation of an action guide for companies" ist im Book of proceedings. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology "Contributions of OHP to social justice", Granada 2024 erschienen (S. 483).

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  Reduction of time and performance pressure - preperation and usability evaluation of an action guide for companies

Verfasst von:  A, Schulz-Dadaczynski, G. Junghanns

in: Book of proceedings. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology "Contributions of OHP to social justice", Granada 2024 / F. Frost, K. Teoh, F. St-Hilaire, A. Denman, C. Leduc, M. Muñoz (Hrsg.) Nottingham:  EAOHP, 2024.  Seiten: 483

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