Mental health in the German working population: Burnout, depression and positive indicators of mental health

Der Tagungsbeitrag "Mental health in the German working population: Burnout, depression and positive indicators of mental health" ist in englischer Sprache im Abstract-Book "XIV. International Congress of the IFPE 'The uses of psychiatric epidemiology in improving population mental health': Abstracts" erschienen.

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  Mental health in the German working population: Burnout, depression and positive indicators of mental health. 

Verfasst von:  G. Freude, E. Pech, P. Martus, U. Rose

in: XIV. International Congress of the IFPE "The uses of psychiatric epidemiology in improving population mental health": Abstracts, 5.-8. Juni 2013, Leipzig / International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology Hannover:  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DGEpi), 2013.  Seiten: 38

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