Information on vibration emissions in practice
(in German)
According to the European Machinery Directive, manufacturers of machines are obliged to declare the outgoing emissions like noise and vibrations. This information must be available both in the operating instructions and in sales brochures providing performance data of the machine. The purpose is to allow buyers und users to compare machines especially from different manufacturers before purchase. In regard to the emissions of vibration the comparison allows to choose machines with low vibrations and finally to avoid the associated hazard due to vibrations. However, this would require that the declared vibration emissions by the manufacturers are compliant with the Machinery Directive. Central issue of this survey was to determine to which extent manufacturers comply with their obligation to declare vibration emissions in the operating instructions of hand-held machines in conformity with the Machinery Directive.
Please download the complete report "Information on vibration emissions in practice" (in German only).
Bibliographic information
Title: Vibrationsemissionsangaben in der Praxis.
1. edition.
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2016.
ISBN: 978-3-88261-167-0, pages: 19, paper, PDF file